Bob Tales
Bob Tales: Land of the Woody Warbles by Susan Sullivan tells the story of a stray cat with no tail. This cat needs a family. He lives behind Bea's Breakfast Buffet and searches for food in the garbage. However, after a long day of him...
Bob Tales: Land of the Woody Warbles by Susan Sullivan tells the story of a stray cat with no tail. This cat needs a family. He lives behind Bea's Breakfast Buffet and searches for food in the garbage. However, after a long day of him...
Backyard Camping (Tales of the Barn Owl Bard) is an aptly named story in verse about an event-filled night. It’s the first time a little boy ventures out alone, equipped with a pup tent and provisions. The story is less about what happens and more...
In Bella and Chantey: Mama Wants a Blue Mushroom by Jane E. Ruth, Bella’s mama wants a blue mushroom for her birthday. However, to get one for her mama, Bella has to go into the woods. Her macaw friend Chantey goes with her. Join them...
Beyond the Yellow Door by Jane E. Ruth is a bilingual kids' adventure story. Yihana has come to stay with her aunt and uncle. A city girl from British Guyana, she is intrigued by their farm in the country. She adores spending time with the...
Bentley's Fantabulous Idea by Miki Taylor is a children's story inspired by her pet. Bentley is the fluffiest, cutest, and cuddliest sheepdog ever. He has a human friend, Betty, and a bumble bee friend, Mr. Bee. Bentley, Betty, and Mr. Bee always have fun and...
Do you know the difference between how grasshoppers and crickets make sounds? You will, after reading Backyard Bug Safari by Barbara Teasdale. Many children don’t know how many different types of bugs live in their backyards. Barbara puts the fun into learning. Two brothers, Freddy...
Meet Boomer who is a curious bunny. He lives in the forest with his less interested siblings. One day, Boomer sees a runner, decides to follow him, and finds himself in unknown places. What do you think he will do? Curious as he is, he...
BOBcat's Big Adventure is a book for children written by Dana Popoff and illustrated by Alina Shabelnyk. Here we meet BOBcat. Though he dreams and wishes to run outside and roam freely, he can't because he knows his owner wouldn't be happy about it. One...
Brian Orca by Bill Hoffman is a tale of a young orca that leaves his pod. The pod has a belief system that all members must follow. He is determined to try new things. In the face of his family's concern about him learning the...
Going to museums is an entertaining way for children to learn about history, and they will recognize important aspects of culture and art. Back to the Museum introduces us to Ryan, a boy who visits the museum every Saturday. On this occasion, his father encourages...