My Grateful Book

By Diana Smith

My Grateful Book by Diana Smith is an enchanting book which gently touches on the little things for which a child, or an adult, can be thankful. Whether at home or at school, out of doors or in the water, observing the rain or enjoying...

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My Teacher Dad

By Sonya Annita Song

My Teacher Dad is a children’s picture book written by Sonya Annita Song and illustrated by Kate Fallahee. What’s a kid to do when his teacher, who also happens to be his dad, doesn’t want to wake up and get ready for school? The hero...

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Monsters Grow Up

By Mark Adam Kaplan and Glenn Scano

Author Mark Adam Kaplan’s Monsters Grow Up is a children’s book about the ins and outs of monsters' lives. Each page is dedicated to an illustration, created expertly by Glenn Scano. Each image is, for the most part, unique to the one before it, aside...

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Mother Nature's Kiss

By Lisa G. Shore

Mother Nature's Kiss is a picture book for preschool children written and illustrated by Lisa G. Shore. What was that bright light shining far off in the distance? It was something that the author had seen many years ago and wondered about, and then a...

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Mighty Mommies and Their Amazing Jobs

A STEM Career Book for Kids (STEMpowering STEM Books for Children)
By Donald Jacobsen

Mighty Mommies and Their Amazing Jobs: A STEM Career Book for Kids (STEMpowering STEM Books for Children) is an educational picture book for children written by Donald Jacobsen and illustrated by Graham Evans. Moms have the best job of all in being moms, but each...

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March On Children!

The Story Of James Meredith’s March Against Fear
By Katina L Rankin

“Finishing is far more important than starting” are the famous words of African-American Civil Rights Movement figure, James Meredith. In this book, March On Children! The Story Of James Meredith’s March Against Fear by Katina L Rankin, children will learn about how James Meredith had...

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My Name Is Curly

By Andi Kryszak

My Name Is Curly by Andi Kryszak is a children’s animal book that would appeal most to an audience of toddlers, young children learning to read, and young school-aged children. Curly had a wonderful life that began when he was born to two loving doggie...

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My Toilet is Bigger Than Yours

By Jean Marie Hawthorn-DaCosta

Rosie's and Jia's mommies were the best of friends and they hadn't seen each other in five years. Rosie and Jia stood in the big airport watching their mommies hug each other. Rosie and her mommy had a long flight. It took them eighteen hours...

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Middle Pip gets the Evil Eye

By Shaul Behr

Meet Middle Pip, the third out of five kids, whose actual name is Menachem Pinchas in Middle Pip gets the Evil Eye: Middle Pip, Volume 1 by Shaul Behr. MP shares the bedroom with his fourteen-year old brother, Avner, and they spend a lot of...

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Monkey's New Trick

By Coral Walker

A crafty little monkey devises a new way to try a different fruit in the engaging children's story, Monkey's New Trick by Coral Walker. All the animals of the jungle enjoy the fruit of the trees. To eat the fruit, the animals must address the...

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