The Boy Who Lost His Flame
The Boy Who Lost His Flame by Silvia Marsz revolves around the story of Tim, who lives in a little hut on the edge of the woods. Tim lives alone in the hut as his parents died not so long ago. One morning, Tim went...
The Boy Who Lost His Flame by Silvia Marsz revolves around the story of Tim, who lives in a little hut on the edge of the woods. Tim lives alone in the hut as his parents died not so long ago. One morning, Tim went...
The Lemon Day by Emily Rays is a delightful and fun read with good and positive messages for young readers. The plot revolves around a wicked villain who lives on top of a hill and who is eager to know what goes on in the...
The Adventures of Oliver the Clownfish: Sticky Fins by Stephanie Guzman is a children's story teaching youngsters the lesson of never taking things that don't belong to you. The story starts out with explaining why children steal, and different ways to handle the situation if...
The Oregon Kids: The Big Catch by Bob Richley is a beautifully written children’s book about morals and character. Billy loved to fish with his dad. One day, his dad announced that the family was going on a camping trip. Billy couldn't wait for an...
In The Girl Who Lost Her Voice by Adam T. Newman, Carlee finds out she has lost her voice one day when she wakes up. Her brother, Tyler, feels sad and it hurts him to see his sister upset. He comes up with the idea...
The Lonely Frog by Jane Finch is the story of a pink frog who sits on a slimy green log all day long and is lonely and sad. He has only the river for company. The pink frog yearns for a mate and he has...
Have you ever wondered about how fruit and vegetables grow? The Magical Mango Tree by Agronomist Avilak, with illustrations by Bhangga Santoso, tells the story about how mangoes grow. This colorful illustrated children’s book showcases the evolution of the mango. Avilak and Manuel were friends....
The Pabalu Tree, written by Katharine Teisseire and illustrated by Mariana Andrusyshyn, is a colourful and charming children’s story about a little orphan called Roy who goes in search of a very special giving tree. The Pabalu Tree sounds special indeed because it is “the...
My daughter and I absolutely loved The Devious Mr. Mischievious by Scott Schafer. Mr. Mischievious is known as the town oddball who never leaves his house. One day he decides to venture outside. That is when he decides to paint the town all different colors...
Tales of Mr. Snuggywhiskers: The Winter Tales is Volume 2 in the children’s fantasy series by C.F. Crawford. It’s Christmas Eve and Hallie and Cory climb the magic tree where Mr. Snuggywhiskers and his family reside. They see how the family celebrates Mouse Christmas and...