It's Music Time

By T. C. Bartlett

It’s Music Time by T.C. Bartlett is a story filled with imagination, animals, and music. The story starts with a young boy on his way to a drum lesson. On the way, he makes a slight detour into the woods only to discover some wonderful...

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Mermaids, Mermaids in the Sea

By Bethany Stahl

Kids love mermaids! Mermaids, Mermaids in the Sea by Bethany Stahl is filled with all kinds of mermaids. Each spread starts with the refrain Mermaids, Mermaids in the Sea, and then adds a rhyming couplet. Other sea creatures make appearances throughout the book, such as...

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A Day with Granny Nelly

Bedtime story
By Linda Matesa

A Day with Granny Nelly is a humorous story written by Linda Matesa. Granny Nelly’s grandson comes over to spend the day with her. Right from the start things get a little wild and crazy as they prepare to head to the grocery store. First,...

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A Dog Named Trouble...Goes to a Forever Home

By Anthony Gonzalez

A Dog Named Trouble Goes to a Forever Home by Anthony Gonzalez is a feel-good story about a huge Saint Bernard. Trouble starts out at a shelter where his new Mom and Dad pick him up and bring him home. Trouble has some anxious moments...

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An Animal's Day Off

By Jacqueline Vollat

What would it be like if animals got a day off from being their regular selves? In An Animal’s Day Off by Jacqueline Vollat, we get a chance to see what they might do. A variety of animals from kangaroos to monkeys experience something completely...

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Shall I Share Little Teddy Too?

By Ronita Saidian

Lili liked to play with Little Teddy and she liked to talk to Little Teddy before breakfast, before a nap, and before she said goodnight. She talked to her Little Teddy when she was happy, sad, or worried. Lili has a little brother at home...

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Duck Does Art

By Ashley Moluf

Duck is very creative! Duck is an artist and not just in one discipline but in many. He can draw, sculpt, paint and even cake decorate. Duck is shown practicing each discipline with cheerful, colorful pictures. Duck Does Art by Ashley Moluf is beautifully laid...

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Seeds for Sharing

By Carissa Lovvorn

Seeds for Sharing, written by Carissa Lovvorn and illustrated by Joshua Wichterich, is based on 1 Timothy 6:18-19: “Verse 18. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, (verse 19.) storing up for themselves a...

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River of Light

By Lisa Gammon Olson

If you love spiders but especially if you do not love spiders, Lisa Gammon Olson’s book River of Light is for you. River of Light is a story about a spider that has spent all its life in a cold, damp cellar. One day some...

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Charlie and the Catmas Tree

By Author: Cindy Lazann Shirley, Co-Author: Emerson Cochran

Charlie and the Catmas Tree, written by Cindy Lazann Shirley and Emerson Cochran, is a children's book that places a reader in the home of Emmy Taylor in the heart of the Christmas season. The book begins with Emmy hanging the family stockings above the...

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