Lullaby Road

By James Anderson

Author James Anderson captures the tension and beauty of the Utah desert in his novel, Lullaby Road. Lullaby Road is the sequel to his first novel, The Never-Open Desert Diner, featuring series protagonist Ben Jones. In Anderson's sequel, readers follow another of Ben's adventures and...

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Last Wave

By Earl T. Roske

Earl T. Roske’s Last Wave imagines a world where humans are quickly becoming extinct due to a genetic accident that has left everyone sterile. Those born last live longer due to miraculous medical procedures carried out in automated medical centers capable of replicating even the...

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Liquid Gambit

By Bonnie Milani

In the sci-fi novella Liquid Gambit by Bonnie Milani, Rick is a bar owner at the Bogue Dast Station, a talon-less, broken-hearted Lupan with just enough self-motivation to run his bar every day, dealing with rough crowds and authorities. He turns down his Lupan kinsmen’s...

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Lake Merrin

Journal of an Adventurer Book 1
By Samuel Colbran

Lone Solo is the name given to our brave adventurer when he first registered for the position. Unlike most of the recruits, who sign up for some sense of morality or a desire for adventure, Solo signed up for one reason and one reason only:...

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Last Caravan to Carmelsara

By Jack Garrety

Jack Garrety’s Last Caravan to Carmelsara opens in Roganshah, a city of the faltering Commonwealth, filled with refugees awaiting the final onslaught of Queen Shayla’s conquering army. Enter Deva and Neha, two wandering yet capable women; Caleb, a disgraced army commander; and Mohar, a thief...

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Last Call

By Phyllis Smallman

Last Call by Phyllis Smallman is the seventh installment of Smallman’s Sherri Travis Mystery series. Last Call follows Sherri Travis and her best friend, Marley, in Key West, Florida. Sherri and Marley go out to the Rawhide to help a character called Lexi Divine figure...

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Long Shadows on the Crimson Range

By S.B. Nace

Long Shadows on the Crimson Range by S.B. Nace takes us back to a West just emerging from the rough and tumble of the early years and the aftermath of the Civil War. We meet Tom Ross, a good man who has seen and participated...

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Lightyears Trilogy

By Troy D. Wymer

Lightyears Trilogy by Troy D. Wymer is a science fiction story with a very complex plot. The story transports readers to a desert planet called Kaskoon. Here Olossky is taken prisoner by a powerful empire called the BlueMar. His children, Baas and Roedie, set out...

Lies in the Shadows

By Jessica Schaub

Lies in the Shadows by Jessica Schaub is a compelling and captivating read. Julia has spent her whole life as Julius, the king's sole heir to the throne and the current king. She has won the respect of her people and the loyalty of her...

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By PB & Jason

In Lightforce by authors PB & Jason, Lee had never considered himself to be "normal." He thought perhaps it was a combination of factors; he was a child who read and did not watch TV. A loner, a boy of mixed race in a small...

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