
A Novel of the 'Me' Decade
By Iolanthe Woulff

This engaging novel begins on the twenty-first birthday of Ben Steiner, a Jewish student at Columbia University, in May 1975. Living a comfortable life in Beit Yitzhak, or the “B”, a communal house for Jewish students, seemed boring to Ben. He was ready to find...

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Ace of Hart

Hart of Darkness Volume 1
By Violeta M. Bagia

Ace of Hart (Hart of Darkness) by Violeta M. Bagia is an incredible story that combines different genres — thriller, mystery, romance, sci-fi — to create a riveting tale. Beautifully conceived and masterfully executed, the story is gripping, packed with action from beginning to end....

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By Rich Chambers

The year William Bur celebrates his eighteenth birthday, he is full of realizations concerning his life, mainly that his future is one enormous pit of uncertainty. While the rest of his friends, affectionately known as the Group of Seven, seem to have their futures well-organized...

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What It Is

By Kit Sergeant

When the only men who fall in front of you are dead, then you either have a problem, or you work in a morgue - or both as it is the case for Lexi, the protagonist of What It Is by Kit Sergeant. The young...

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Time Candle

By Veronica Dale

Twin brothers, Sheft and Teller, have been separated for a long time, and now they will be meeting each other in an unusual manner and in a very dangerous place. Teller’s mission is to bring his brother to the lair of the oppressor, the Spider...

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Looking Glass Friends

A Novel Inspired by Real Love Letters
By E. L. Neve

Looking Glass Friends: A Novel Inspired by Real Love Letters by E.L. Neve is the story of Ellie and Neil who fell in love with one another over email. They started off very simply talking about the novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The question...

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See You Later Broadway

Broadway Series Book 2
By Melissa Baldwin

See You Later Broadway by Melissa Baldwin is book two in the Broadway Series, and while I did not read book one, I had no problems jumping right into this story and making friends with Maris. Maris has recently moved to New York City with...

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Life Sliding

By S. L. Mauldin

Life Sliding is a young adult coming of age novel written by S.L. Mauldin. Though he had indeed handcrafted the persona that made him the kid everyone wanted to emulate, even Gavin Bailey found the yearbook title, “The Most Looked Up To,” somewhat tedious and...

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My Shenandoah Love

By Jonathan Kuiper

My Shenandoah Love: Hanna Jones, Volume 1 by Jonathan Kuiper recounts eight years of Hanna’s life in a series of flashbacks that have a gripping sense of immediacy. The first shows Hanna at fifteen, troubled to the point of mental abuse, by Diane, her promiscuous...

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Twisted Magic

Gallows World, Book 1
By Sharon Stevenson

Twisted Magic: Gallows World, Book 1 is a paranormal romance novel written by Sharon Stevenson. Liv woke up disoriented, cold and trembling. When she reached within for her magic, she found only its absence, and that made her remember the sentence the Trackers Council had...

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