Down Comes the Dark
Dev and Raya are from Solaran Prime, a distant planet from Earth. Right now, Raya is on Earth with new friends she has made who are like family to her. Did Dev make the right decision to leave her on Earth, and how will her...
Dev and Raya are from Solaran Prime, a distant planet from Earth. Right now, Raya is on Earth with new friends she has made who are like family to her. Did Dev make the right decision to leave her on Earth, and how will her...
Death in the Tallgrass: A Young Man’s Journey Through the Western Frontier by Donald Willerton is a Western adventure with a difference. It is 1904, the West has opened up considerably since its Wild West days but it is still a tough, unforgiving, and dangerous...
Queens of Moirai (Descendants of The Fates Book 1) by Rhiannon Hargadon is a riveting and intoxicating retelling of the myth of the Fates. Morena has been locked in the Tower of Grace Castel for as long as she can remember. Losing her two siblings...
Extinguishing Shadows by Heather Beal is a riveting tale that delves into the intertwined worlds of vampires and viajantes, two ancient immortal species that have managed to coexist for centuries. Set against a backdrop of danger and secrecy, the story follows Mara, a young viajante,...
Kate's War by Linda Stewart Henley is a poignant and gripping novel that explores the complexities of human relationships and the impact of war on individuals and families. Set against the backdrop of World War II, the book delves into themes of love, loss, resilience,...
Tempered is the first book in the Run Away Home series by Catherine Manett, a thoughtful, character-driven tale with unforgettable characters. The story follows two intriguing characters, Peter and Hayley, who grew up together in the foster care system. Now, as young adults, they dream...
Love Laugh and Row by Trisa J. Louise is about a family who flees from Russia in 1906, away from the Czar and his henchmen who killed innocent demonstrators in 1905. The author takes one family on a journey to America where they hope to...
Redbird in the Poppies by Angela Geer-Gann revolves around Elizabeth Redbird's decision to escape from tragic family circumstances to make a new life in California. But can one truly escape the past, especially when it comes knocking unexpectedly? Drama, love, and friendship mean she must...
For some people, love comes fast and lasts forever. For others, it comes equally quickly but doesn’t endure. But then there are the ones who wait for love for what seems to be forever, and finally, it arrives for them as well. Daniel thought that...
Kathleen Janz-Anderson continues Emily’s story in September Wind Book II: Passage to Emancipation. Emily waited for Shayne to appear, but he never showed up. When she entered The Palace, Ms. Bea told her that Shayne was no longer allowed there and was married with children....