
The First Family of God Remembers
By Edward N Brown

Reminiscing: The First Family of God Remembers is a work of fiction penned by author Edward N Brown in the Christian, historical fiction, and interpersonal drama genres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. The author presents a unique experience as we...

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Road to Nineveh

A Christian Psychological Thriller
By Charles Besondy

Road to Nineveh is a work of fiction penned by author Charles Besondy in the Christian, thriller, and psychological drama genres. It is suitable for the general adult reading audience. The plot follows twenty-year-old Charley Austin, star drummer and lyricist for the Christian rock band...

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A Novel
By Gary McCarragher

Revelation by Gary McCarragher follows a Christian family whose patriarch suffers from an existential crisis of faith. Bart Trask was born into an ultra-conservative Evangelical family in the small town of Traskville, Alabama, founded by his great-grandfather. Bart's father, Theodosius Trask, is a Baptist minister,...

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By J.R. Lightfoot

Reaper is a work of fiction in the Christian fantasy and action subgenres. It is intended for the mature reading audience owing to scenes of violence and of a sexual nature and was penned by J. R. Lightfoot. In this epic battle of good versus...

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Redeeming Honor

By E.A. West

Redeeming Honor by E.A. West is a pleasant and enjoyable Christian novel about overcoming your insecurities to find love. Basir Hamidi came to America as a broken man. He was disowned by his family for helping the American military in Afghanistan, lost his wife and...

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Rising Wind: Ice and Bone (Book Two of Rising Wind Series)

By Diane Olsen

Ice and Bone by Diane Olsen is part two in the Rising Wind series. You could read this book as a stand-alone without reading the first one as the author does a decent job of bringing her readers up to speed, but my recommendation...

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By Robert Sells

“We fell for the promise of unlimited power which was never delivered and built our own Trojan horse.” In Revelations by Robert Sells, Earth receives ‘The Message’ from an extraterrestrial life form dubbed the Lambdons. They share their most valuable knowledge of all-fusion energy. The...

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Running Through the Storm

By Roger Blanton

Running Through the Storm is a collection of short works of dramatic fiction written by author Roger Blanton. The work takes a critical look at modern life, with a particular interest in the observation of secular life and the impact which religion could potentially have...

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By Catherine Fearns

Every so often, a book comes along that blows you away with its uniqueness. For me, Reprobation by Catherine Fearns is one of those books. It’s so different, so intense, and so “heady” for lack of a better word, that I can only say if...

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Restoring Love

A Sentimental Journey
By Bonnie Engstrom

Restoring Love: A Sentimental Journey by Bonnie Engstrom is a sweet romance that takes the characters on a journey where they rediscover love and enjoy it once more. Jenni is a teacher who is taking a break from teaching and a stressful life by going...

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