The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception

Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births
By Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso

To this day, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception has either been accepted with blind faith or dismissed as nonsense. However, zealous scholars show us there is a third option. In The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso explores the figure of Mary,...

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Life's Compline

A Journey Just Begun
By Betty Creamer

Let’s face facts: we all age. The church in America is aging too. Betty Creamer uses her insight and experiences to encourage congregations to incorporate the elderly in worship and fellowship. Her book, Life’s Compline: A Journey Just Begun, is full of information that will...

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Flying Penguin

Award-winning guide to awakening your childhood genius
By Dr. Asoka Jinadasa and Felicio Ferraz

Dr. Asoka Jinadasa and Felicio Ferraz have done it again with their second edition of Flying Penguin – the award-winning guide to awakening your childhood genius. Readers can expect an East meets West combination of spiritual and business teachings to stretch their minds regardless of...

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The Fables of Lokaii

The Heart of the Forgotten Tao
By Aviilokín K'shi

Reading The Fables of Lokaii: The Heart of the Forgotten Tao by Aviilokín K'shi has been a unique and challenging experience, perhaps like a child first reading a holy script, knowing just enough to read the words but not quite able to comprehend the ideas,...

Searching for my Faith

A Cop’s Struggle with Good and Evil and the Question: "Is God Real?”
By Frederick Munch

Searching for my Faith is a tale based on real-life stories and events in the life of author Frederick Munch. This work of non-fiction takes readers on a journey of happiness, sorrow, and redemption. Starting with Munch at a young age, his determination to make...

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The Red Stain of Cain

By Chris Steed

The Red Stain of Cain by Chris Steed begins with disturbing words: “The red stain of Cain, the restless wanderer, haunts the world.” When Cain killed his brother, he desecrated the sacred value of his personhood. As the story progresses, the author demonstrates how the...

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Christianity's Jewish Roots

A Study of Judaism for Christians
By Susan Renni Anderson

Too many Christians have either forgotten or never knew the close relationship between the Jewish and the Christian faiths. Susan Renni Anderson has authored Christianity’s Jewish Roots to correct this situation. In this book, Susan shows the similarities and the differences between the two great...

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If You Love, It Means You Are Alive!

By Tatyana N. Mickushina

Not everyone is given the opportunity to receive teachings in the form of Messages from the etheric octaves of Light. Simply put, Tatyana N. Mickushina is one of those lucky ones, and she shares the teachings given to her by the Beings of Light in...

The Mystery of Christ

The Life-Changing Revelation of the Great Initiate
By Thales of Argos

The Mystery of Christ: The Life-Changing Revelation of the Great Initiate (Sacred Wisdom Book 5) by Thales of Argos is not your everyday book – no, this is definitely something a bit different, something right out there and yet, as one reads it, the clarity...

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Heaven Bound Amid Pandemics

The Road All Runners Come
By Ken Rolheiser

Heaven Bound Amid Pandemics: The Road All Runners Come by Ken Rolheiser is a powerful book that communicates hope in the midst of despair, written by someone who has ministered to the sick and the dying. Written within the context of the pandemic, this book...

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