When I Was Young
When I Was Young is written by Joe Estacio and illustrated by Attarri Bros. The life of a young child is full of so many wonderful things. Playing for hours with friends until it is time to go home for the night, riding bikes in...
When I Was Young is written by Joe Estacio and illustrated by Attarri Bros. The life of a young child is full of so many wonderful things. Playing for hours with friends until it is time to go home for the night, riding bikes in...
Mountain Mutts: Joy’s Tale is written and illustrated by Julie Stephens. Spring and Winter are dogs who spend all their time together. They loved to play, go to the river, enjoy treats, and take naps together. Winter died, leaving a feeling of empty sadness with...
Sweet Baby Around The World is 'A Rhyming Book for Little Girls & Boys' by Victoria Scudder. So many places to visit around the globe and so many things to see. Let’s go to Buckingham Palace, located in England. What interesting things would you find...
In Roman Is Bigger, written by DJ Stutz and illustrated by Nadiia Kolpak, Harley is Roman’s dog, and they make quite a pair of best friends. When describing his dog, Roman discovers that big just doesn’t cover the size of his furry pal. Roman is...
Freeda's Beads of Joy by Sarah Jane Conklin is a children’s picture book that tells the story of Freeda, an exuberant woman who adores beading and uses it to recollect wonderful memories and connect to the world around her. One day, she meets a little...
Lisa Ayotte has written another great children’s book highlighting many ways to spread kindness in homes, schools, and communities. In Kindness... Little Things We Do Can Make A BIG Difference! Lisa creates different scenes using the Punny Peeps to illustrate the suggested kindness. Every day...
The Adventures of Sophie and Bego: Balancing the Ego by Tawny Gizzi is an educational children's picture book. It follows Sophie, an eight-year-old girl, and her friend Bego. Sophie always tries her best at things. When she gets into trouble, Sophie notices that Bego is...
The delightful children’s picture book Frankie the Fart Wants a Friend by Daniel Huerga takes young readers on a whimsical journey with Frankie, a lovable, friendly fart facing an unusual, or perhaps usual, predicament: he has no friends. Illustrated by David Kantrowitz, the book entertains...
Willard DoGooder and the Trail of Friends by Jen Kirkley touched my heart. It is a wonderful book about being different from others yet thriving while being differently abled. Willard finds it hard to make friends because he feels different. He takes a path that...
God’s Gift To Us, written by C.M Harris and illustrated by Nadee Diwakara, is a delightful journey through the wonders of nature and the blessings of life, perfect for young readers. It celebrates God's creation from each new morning to the bright sky, soaring birds,...