Daddy May I Decide?
The father in Daddy May I Decide? wanted to know what his son would like to be when he grew up, whether he would want to be a football player like his daddy or not. The boy said he wanted to be something different. His...
The father in Daddy May I Decide? wanted to know what his son would like to be when he grew up, whether he would want to be a football player like his daddy or not. The boy said he wanted to be something different. His...
Young Deegan loved to play on the swings and soar in the playground even though he did not have wings. His classmates did not go near him as they felt his claws were too sharp to join in their games and he was odd and...
Daisy Moves to America is a social issues picture book for children, grades k-3, written by Elyssa Nicole Trust and illustrated by Alvin Adhi. Daisy loved everything about her life in the UK. When her mom announced that the family was moving to the US,...
Did You Know? Love-light by Lisa White is a beautiful book that emphasizes the connection human beings have with the Universe and the energy and inner light that exists within. The book tells readers how saying hi to the sky is actually saying hi to...
In Did You Know? Night Sky, we explore what can be seen and felt by simply looking up at the night sky. The stars have been around for many many years and from the earliest days till now, stars have been used as guides. It’s...
There are shapes all around us. Everything has a shape. Even sea creatures have shapes: like the octopus with its rectangular eyes that help them escape danger. There are even boxfish that are, you guessed it, shaped like a box, the whale with its triangular-shaped...
I wouldn’t have considered cows an endangered species, but, surprisingly, in some parts of the world, their way of existence is threatened. In the Netherlands, for example, the cows are wading through seawater in the morning when the sea level rises and feeding on seaweed...
Does Grandma Remember Me? by Evita Sherman is a sweet, endearing children's book about dementia that comforts and informs. It tells the story of a young child wondering and worrying about the changes in Grandma, how she is changing, and what she (the child), can...
Draw Me Close to You is a children's story written by Kossim Osseni. The audiobook is narrated by MaameYaa Boafo. Most audiobook listeners will agree that the narrator makes or breaks the appeal of an audiobook. As an audiobook listener for many years, I can...
Didi is a cute and adorable pup with one problem; she’s an extremely picky eater. Every day is a struggle to find just the right food that Didi might eat. There are so many flavors, meat, and veggie mixes to try as well as different...