Broken Ties

Book Two in the Family Ties Series
By Jansen Schmidt

Broken Ties is a work of fiction in the romance, interpersonal drama, and suspense subgenres, and is the second novel in the Family Ties series. The work is best suited to mature readers owing to explicit language and scenes of sex and violence. Penned by...

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Broken Strings

By Rachel Lane

Celine and Alex were childhood sweethearts. When the story opens, they are happily married and raising three children with the support of their extended family on both sides. And then the unthinkable happens. Their youngest child, a son, is abducted from a playground, and Alex...

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By Brian Ray Brewer

Bilongo by Brian Ray Brewer is the story of a man in love with two different women. The book opens with Rawley Aimes on a merchant ship, passionately making love to a woman named Lil. However, it turns out Rawley is already married to Marina,...

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Bloodthirsty Wolves

By Callen Randolph

Callen Randolph's Bloodthirsty Wolves follows the story of a man in search of purpose in his life. Forty-five-year-old Cal has had enough of his seemingly humdrum life. Still unmarried with his business taking a hit during the pandemic, Cal decides to leave everything behind and...

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Bailed Up

By Michael Beashel

In Bailed Up by Michael Beashel, Irish stonemason Gerry Riordan seeks approval from Anne Donovan's father, James Donovan, to marry her. While working on crafting doors for St. Mary's Cathedral, Donovan negotiates a contract with Sean Hughes, hiring Dougal Simpson, who conceals his ties to...

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Between the Mountains

Inspired by a true dog story
By Jeremy Campbell

Inspired by a true story, Jeremy Campbell's Between the Mountains follows the lives of the inhabitants of a small Southern town. After being pelted by stones and shot with a BB gun on the road, Roscoe, an old, black labrador retriever, has won over the...

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Black Bear Lake

By Leslie Liautaud

Leslie Liautaud's Black Bear Lake follows the story of a man haunted by past regrets. In the present day, Adam Craig's tumultuous marriage hits a new low after his wife leaves him because of his reluctance to have children. Seeking answers, Adam travels to Black...

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Beach of the Dead

Book Two of the Heartland Trilogy
By Cynthia J Bogard

Jane Meyer is the heroine of Beach of the Dead: Book Two of the Heartland Trilogy, but we only meet Jane briefly before she changes her name to Ana Jiménez. The novel opens with a carefully crafted hook: “My first purchase in my new life...

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By J.R Rice

Broken Pencils by J.R. Rice is the story of a Black high school teenager diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The story starts with him preparing to go to his prom in San Francisco. Many elements resulted in the catastrophe of this night. His prom is on...

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Battle Creek

The 500 Song Rock and Roll Daydream
By August Wanderlust

Battle Creek: The 500 Song Rock and Roll Daydream by August Wanderlust follows the ambitious Hal, who dreams of creating a successful rock and roll band. Despite the eclectic mix of punk, metal, and classical influences from his current members, the band isn't complete until...

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