The Boy Who Lost His Flame
The Boy Who Lost His Flame by Silvia Marsz revolves around the story of Tim, who lives in a little hut on the edge of the woods. Tim lives alone in the hut as his parents died not so long ago. One morning, Tim went...
The Boy Who Lost His Flame by Silvia Marsz revolves around the story of Tim, who lives in a little hut on the edge of the woods. Tim lives alone in the hut as his parents died not so long ago. One morning, Tim went...
In Nothing to Fear from the Dark, my Dear by Traci Dunham, the author explains about the fear of the dark that many kids have. The sounds at night scare the little boy, be it the howling wind, the lightning, or the pattering of the...
The Lemon Day by Emily Rays is a delightful and fun read with good and positive messages for young readers. The plot revolves around a wicked villain who lives on top of a hill and who is eager to know what goes on in the...
Don't Peck On Me: A Baby Bird Story by Barbara Lamping is an adorable storybook for children. Baby Bird is hopping across the barnyard, looking for seeds, when she hears a different sound coming from the tree by the house. She goes in search of...
It’s both amazing and rather sad how easily a family can get wrapped up in each of their own little worlds. Christmas is the worst. Everyone wants everything to be perfect: the tree, the decorations, the baked goodies, the parties, the presents. It is too...
The Schoolhouse by Jill Watson Glassco is a collection of seven short stories about her grandmother Elsie Thomas Brazelle’s real life experiences as a first-time teacher in a one-room, eight-grade schoolhouse. In 1916, on Whitwell Mountain in a remote part of eastern Tennessee, Elsie faces...
Each generation has something that captures their attention and Emoji Adventures Volume 3: Call of Doodie by PT Evans is a story for today's youth. Call of Doodie speaks the language of the millennials with emoji type characters to help tell the story. Dad wanted...
If you are looking for a fun children's book, start with ABC 123 Color Animal Kid (The Journey Through the Forest) by Irene Jane Holmes. Follow Mickey as he journeys through the colorful forest where he is able to identify animals and things pertaining to...
Upside Down Mr. Brown (Neighborhood Pond), written and illustrated by Shelley Westbrook, is a cute, colorful children’s book about morals and character. Mr. Brown was an unhappy fellow. He would lie, catch flies, and stir up the hornet's nest. Mr. Brown knew that he behaved...
What's So Cool About Mountains, Anyway? (In Depth Science Book 2) by Judith Hubbard is an educational and informative book for young readers that tells them how mountains are formed, about the plants that grow on mountains, humans who live there, and how they influence...