Time Lies

The Cognizant Awakens
By Mario Diana

Time Lies: The Cognizant Awakens by Mario Diana is a time travel novel that takes the genre into previously unexplored territory. The story follows a small crew on board a craft that sails through time, landing in different centuries on command. A timepiece from the...

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The Price of Safety

By Michael C. Bland

Michael C. Bland’s The Price of Safety blasts off the pages in a breathtaking flight through 2047, where nothing is what it seems and few know the horrific truth behind the latest technological marvels. Whilst attending the opening of the world’s first cold fusion power...

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The Wolf Queen of Japan

By Harrison Ware

The Wolf Queen of Japan is a work of fiction in the dystopian and futuristic fantasy sub-genres and was penned by author Harrison Ware. Asking intrinsic and primal questions about what it is that separates the supposedly elevated humans from predatory animals, this intelligent and...

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The Weapons They Use

By K. J. Porter

The Weapons They Use by K. J. Porter is a smooth science fiction tale that will have you biting your nails and holding your breath at the same time. Sam Jackson is a Marine and there is nothing in this world that scares him. But...

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The Cerebranauts

In Search of the Human Experience
By Seth Sherman

The Cerebranauts: In Search of the Human Experience is a work of fiction in the science fiction and psychological sub-genres which was penned by author Seth Sherman. The plot follows Lizzie Sayler, a young doctor whose expertise in the field of brain mapping affords her...

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The Luna Missile Crisis

By Rhett C Bruno & Jaime Castle

The earth's first space launch goes awry, wreaking devastation upon the planet in the exhilarating alternate history novel, The Luna Missile Crisis, written by Rhett C. Bruno and Jaime Castle and narrated by Ray Porter. It's 1961. The Soviets are the first to send a...

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The Jellyfish Effect

By Ufuk Özden

The Jellyfish Effect is a work of novella-length fiction in the apocalyptic and literary sub-genres and was penned by author Ufuk Özden. Darkly humorous and highly conceptual, this fascinating slice of life examines a future in which the fate of humanity is sealed when planet...

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The Days That Followed

Book One of the New Era Trilogy
By David Crane

The Days That Followed is a work of thriller fiction in the science fiction sub-genre and was penned by author David Crane. Written as the first book in the New Era Trilogy, the story is suitable for adult readers due to the presence of explicit...

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The Voyage

By Douglas Falk

The Voyage by Douglas Falk is a thriller mystery about a topic that is completely original, at least to my knowledge. It’s about the flat earth theory, or “conspiracy” might be more accurate. The story follows two young men who set out to prove that...

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Teal Dissociated

By Clabe Polk

Teal Dissociated is the title of a new novella by Clabe Polk. Teal is the name of the planet on which the story is set and is derived from the color of the blue-green ocean that covers most of its surface. It is a beautiful...

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