Iris is a work of fiction in the crime genre. It is aimed at mature readers and was penned by Chand Svare Ghei. The book follows the life of Special Detective Kenneth Johansen through a series of excerpts from his life as an investigator as...
Iris is a work of fiction in the crime genre. It is aimed at mature readers and was penned by Chand Svare Ghei. The book follows the life of Special Detective Kenneth Johansen through a series of excerpts from his life as an investigator as...
Irrevocable Trust is a pulsating crime thriller by B. H. Heit. Rick Cervantes is a resourceful young man whose grandparents escaped prosecution from the Revolutionary Forces of Fidel Castro in the late 1950s. In the present day, Rick runs a successful business in Ft. Lauderdale,...
Chester is a successful investigative journalist and he enjoys the attention that comes with his fruitful career. Having been given an investigative mission by his boss, soon he is forced to go into hiding to save his own life and the lives of others, including...
Impact is the first novel in the Pan Nationals series by Mark D. Owen. A blast at the International Space Station has resulted in space debris destroying satellites in the Earth’s orbit, devastating the telecommunication systems around the world, and bombarding the Earth’s surface. In...
In Idol Worship by Rhonnie Fordham, The Mayberry Murderer, the most feared serial killer of our time, has struck again with her trademark brutality. Her latest victims dared to enter the notorious Crane farmhouse in Stanwyck, Georgia, the scene of a brutal murder over thirty...
A Marine strives to eradicate a sorcerer and his supernatural throng of undead creatures in the chilling horror novel, Invasion of the Undead (The Deathstalker Chronicles: Book 1) by Dan Coglan. Deployed to locate and destroy an ancient temple, Marine Lance Corporal Chase Brooks' unit...
It has been nine very long and miserable months for Tess whose five-year-old daughter was killed in a car accident. Brady was the man responsible and he is sitting in jail for the crime. Tess can only find a strange sense of peace when...
Illicit Intent is a fast-paced, action-packed novel written by Debbie Baldwin that is bound to entertain fans of romance novels and thrillers alike. While working undercover for the hedge fund billionaire Phipps Van Gent, Calliope Garland, a journalist writing for The Harland Sentry, unwittingly comes...
In the Orbit of Sirens, the first part of The Song of Kamaria series, is a work of science fiction and dystopia by author T. A. Bruno. Set in a world where members of the human race are now part of an endangered species, the...
A government secret operative occupying a remote island struggles to maintain his cover when the owner's sister shows up for an extended vacation from the fast-paced stress of the business world in the suspenseful thriller, In Harm's Way (A Guardian Novel Book 5) by Traci...