The Ominous
The Ominous by Boss Kelly is a thrilling story that follows a girl named Maddie North. Maddie lived her life as a normal girl, with normal friends, and a normal life. That is, until she falls into a coma that lasts for six months. It...
The Ominous by Boss Kelly is a thrilling story that follows a girl named Maddie North. Maddie lived her life as a normal girl, with normal friends, and a normal life. That is, until she falls into a coma that lasts for six months. It...
Moonstroke II: Alien Territory by Blaine C Readler continues the saga of Kaitlyn and her nexgen companion. Kaitlyn feels disoriented on Earth and disturbed at how U-P tries to force her into admitting that the space station personnel was at fault for their own abandonment,...
Beyond Yesterday is the third book in the Beyond Saga by Greg Spry, a compelling sci-fi tale with well-imagined and excellently executed characters. Commander Maya Davis should be the happiest person after getting a new promotion in the interstellar spaceflight, but despair begins to settle...
Realm of Wolves is the first book in the Child of Prophecy series by Thomas Parrott, a story that, in the tradition of the Athenian tragedy by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, features a king over whose head hangs a deadly prophecy: his life and kingdom would...
Zanthia by Nicklous Adams II is an excellent epic fantasy tale for young adults. In the land of Zanthia, two boys and a girl are forced to go on the run when their city is destroyed by the monstrous Krazul. Micah, of the Levithian people,...
Reading B Fleetwood's Chroma: Imogen's Secret, the first volume in the Chroma series, is like taking in a breath of fresh air. Yet, the story of Imogen will keep readers on their toes throughout the entire book. Imogen Reiner, a 17-year-old young woman, has deep...
Thistle Inferno is the third book in The Juniper Wars series by Aaron Michael Ritchey, a gripping sci-fi story with awesome characters and a riveting plot. Set in a dystopian world, in 2058, the Sino-American War has ravaged the world. But humanity also suffers from...
Stealing Liberty is a young adult novel by Jennifer Froelich. Reed and Riley are two teens who meet in a very unexpected place: a top secret detention school for teens whose parents are deemed enemies of the state. Reed does not expect to start a...
The Terra Debacle by Marcha Fox will appeal to readers who like a hefty dose of science with their science fiction. A UFO has crash-landed in Utah in 1978, and one of its occupants is a sentient plant named Thyron. A NASA researcher, Gabe Greenley,...
Thirteen is the female protagonist of Fixer 13 by G. Michael Smith, the first book in The Forevers series. Thirteen has just turned 13, and 13 seems to be her lucky number. She seems to be very lucky in general, and very bright, too. She...