Umbra is the first book in the Sentient Stars trilogy series by Amber Toro. An intergalactic space opera that will keep you on the edge of your seats, the story is set in a time when Earth is a thing of the past. Now, the...
Umbra is the first book in the Sentient Stars trilogy series by Amber Toro. An intergalactic space opera that will keep you on the edge of your seats, the story is set in a time when Earth is a thing of the past. Now, the...
After the Saphyrum War, the sorcerers became power-hungry and lorded over other races, taking control of various sects. Remnants of a Scarlet Flame: The Last Draegion Saga Book 1 by Cindy L. Sell follows various characters as they each try to further their own agenda...
Cole Thompson's punishment for his role in an altercation at a bar is two years in prison. Instead of confirming the sentence, the judge takes a lenient view of this matter and decides the young man will spend two years in military training at the...
The Gates of Yoffa by J. Brandon Barnes is a compelling sci-fi novel that explores themes of identity, belonging, and the inherent longing for connection across cultural divides. Set against the backdrop of a distant moon, the story follows John Lewis, a complex character transitioning...
Zodak: The Last Shielder by Max Moyer is an epic fantasy audiobook and the first in the Tempest Rising series. The story follows Zodak, a mistreated orphan in the village of Laan, whose life changes when a water sprite reveals a great destiny. After his...
Design of Darkness by R.D. Pires is an epic fantasy that tells the story of twins Arsenio and Mariana, who are left orphaned after King Fogosombre’s violent reign destroys their village. Determined to find help for their people, they embark on a dangerous journey across...
None the Wiser by Sterling Carmichael is an epic fantasy thriller that follows Kaimana, Laurenze, and their crew as they are lured out of retirement for a critical mission. In a world threatened by a powerful conspiracy, they face a nefarious adversary supplying advanced weaponry...
Dead Egyptians by Del Blackwater is an intriguing story in a blend of history and fiction. Albion Stanley has been fascinated by Egypt since childhood. Unknown to him, he has an ancient tie to this land. As an adult, he is irresistibly drawn back, getting...
Rook Rook by A.J. Liu is a humorous yet thought-provoking story that follows Mike Ke, a former sous chef now a famous comedian. Despite being half-Chinese and half-white, Mike does not like anything to do with Chinese culture - their language, food, and lifestyle all...
Tabula Rasa by Paul L. Centeno is a fast-paced epic fantasy with a powerful plot and a great antihero that will keep your mind occupied for days. Ordulis Cavo was a convict incarcerated for his war crimes. However, when a wicked sorceress starts looking for...