How do you cope when everything has collapsed around you? At least to Emma, the whole world has collapsed and there is no reason to go on; her boyfriend James has died and she has no will to carry on living. Her family and friends...
How do you cope when everything has collapsed around you? At least to Emma, the whole world has collapsed and there is no reason to go on; her boyfriend James has died and she has no will to carry on living. Her family and friends...
In a heartbreaking and heartwarming tale, author Jo Barney provides her readers with another fantastic book, Never Too Late. Follow the story of Edith, a woman in her sixties who finds herself in a melancholy time of life. Never coming first, always putting others before...
His Most Wanted is book 2 of Sandra Jones’ The River Rogues series. In this stand-alone, the reader meets Christopher “Kit” Wainwright, a recovering gambler and former brothel owner. He is determined to do something that would have made his uncle proud, which sets him...
Our lives have become so dependent on modern technology. However, the one item that reigns supreme above all others in the tech world is the smart phone. For many of us, our smart phone is our most treasured possession and companion. But what if your...
Prep for Doom is a dystopian tale written around the annihilation of the majority of the world's population. When a deadly virus sweeps around the world, those who remain are left shell shocked by the sudden death of everything and everyone they hold dear. Each...
That’s Special: A Survival Guide To Teaching by Dan Henderson is a collection of humorous stories of kids pushing buttons. Dan begins with the story of one such student, Chase. The harder the school came down on Chase, the more he rebelled. He recounts many...
Cynthia T. Toney's 8 Notes to a Nobody (The Bird Face Series) tells the story of Wendy, one of the many teenagers in the world who gets bullied for one or the other reason. In her case, the reason is a bigger than average nose...
In an absolutely wonderful new work by author Megan Davidson, The Thundering, readers will find themselves following the stories of psychologist Cathy Morgen and her teenaged patient, Joseph. Taking place in Portland, Oregon in 1961, the story gives us some very realistic and heartbreaking insights...
Does what enhances you, what makes you stronger, make you broken or less than whole? This is a question dear to my heart. I have a prosthesis that looks real. That is its only job and talent, and it does it well. To all appearances,...
Ioana Visan's Broken Hearts is the sequel to the novel Broken People. In Broken Hearts, we follow the continuing adventures of Dale, Aurore, and the members of the Nightingale Circus. Dale has been 'contracted' to protect Aurore, and now travels with her on business abroad....
Aventuras in Spain: A Memoir by Sandra Staas is a lighthearted account of how Sandra managed to learn to speak Spanish fluently while living in Spain. She writes about society in the early seventies when Franco, the dictator, was still in power. How she lands...
The Pinkest Seashell by Michael Verrett is focused around a pink seashell. When a seagull and a crab find the seashell and start fighting over it, the seashell lands in the foamy sea and starts to make its way around the sea. It lands in...
Up the Down Waterfall by Michael Verrett is a delightful fantasy story which will enthrall young readers. Lydia and her sister Abi find themselves being taken up by a gust of wind and dropped outside one rainy day. They find themselves in a blue puddle...
I thought Michael Verrett’s book Joy! Joy! Baseball was pretty cute and a very easy read. This book is made up of 36 cartoons that are all about baseball. All the drawings were done by Verrett and are his own creation. The majority of the cartoons...
The White Alligator is a southern children’s tale by Michael Verrett. Life is never dull for the animals living in the bayou. Phillipe, a ditzy bird, believes he can hypnotise others, but his plan backfires when he runs into angry mosquitoes. Pompous owls who think...
Kingdom of the Pumpkins (A Rainey-Estelle Kind of Day) by Michael Verrett is a children's adventure story that follows the hilarious and precocious Rainey-Estelle and her dog, Scamp. Today, Rainey-Estelle and Scamp are on an adventure in a farmer's garden. Rainey-Estelle wants to crown the...
Christmas Socks by Michael Verrett is an adorable story with the Christmas season as the backdrop. Suzy Q is a fussy and rude girl. For her, everything has to be her way and this Christmas she expects a lot of gifts. But then what happens...
The Rhymes of the Gray Beard Tree by Michael Verrett is a collection of rhyming poems that revolve around topics like animals, jobs, fairs, cherished things, adventure, fantasy, sports and other topics which handle the concept of tradition, values and the joys of youth in...
From My Cold Undead Hand (Where the Vampires Are, Volume 1) by Marie Marshall is the first book in what promises to be a thrilling, interesting take on vampire legend and lore. Chevonne Kusnetsov is a teenager living in the near-distant future, a world that...
New Orleans Rain by Michael Verrett is a book of pictures and poems centered around New Orleans. In this book, Verrett shows pictures he has taken in the rain. All the pictures are from places in New Orleans, Louisiana. I wanted to read this book...