If only life were simple and safe. For Mardella, life with her parents is anything but safe. In Valerie Biel’s Haven, Mardella and her mother have to escape with the few items they can pack quickly to start a new life in a small town...
If only life were simple and safe. For Mardella, life with her parents is anything but safe. In Valerie Biel’s Haven, Mardella and her mother have to escape with the few items they can pack quickly to start a new life in a small town...
Max is a very clever mockingbird. Like all mockingbirds, Max mimics sounds. He loves being in the city with many sounds to mimic. In Brandee Huddleston’s Holiday Hero: Max the Mockingbird, Max is saturated with city noise, from hockey pucks skittering across the ice to...
The talent show is approaching and Sammy the Seahorse is very sad because he doesn’t think he has any talent. In Susan Montgomery’s The Strumming Seahorse, Sammy discovers an abandoned ukulele at the bottom of the ocean. His friend Daniel the Wise Dolphin teaches Sammy...
“A line is a dot that went for a walk.” I love this quote from Paul Klee, artist extraordinaire. It’s obvious that author Valerie Downs loves this quote too as it’s the foundation for a delightful children’s story, What Paul Made. When young Paul goes...
Tammy Cranston's Rooted: A Seedling's Journey is the story of a young oak tree. This tree lived near his grandfather, and he felt thrilled and comfortable around him. Grandpa Oakey always gave him the greatest advice, and as the "Seed to Tree" ceremony approached, he needed...
What is a Credit Card? is an informative children's book by Kelly Lee. It promotes financial education and financial responsibility and teaches the use of a credit card through colorful illustrations and a relatable narrative. Young Ava becomes curious after watching her father use a...
Dear Girl, I Hope You Know by Emma Meyer is an important book for young girls who need encouragement to find confidence in their own values and the courage to stand up for who they are. The book tells six stories to highlight the importance...
You Really, Truly Belong by Gina Casazza is about the travels of an alien coming to Earth, seeking friends. Beginning the search, the little alien encounters a group of lacrosse players, but not knowing how to play the game, the surety of not fitting in...
A Butterfly's Song, written by Tuula Pere and illustrated by Roksolana Panchyshyn, follows a newly transformed butterfly named Pupa, who is overwhelmed and unsure of her place in the world. Surrounded by colorful butterflies, Pupa feels invisible due to her perceived plainness and hopes that...
Our minds are more powerful than the average person realizes. In The Secret of the Mind-Garden by B. Raymond Moyers, the young reader learns how their thoughts are like seeds planted in a garden. Good thoughts plant good seeds and nourish them into beautiful plants,...