My Shorts Are Showing

Stories with no discernable theme
By SK Berit

My Shorts Are Showing is a collection of random stories by SK Berit. The tales will take you on a wild adventure through space and time while introducing you to intriguing characters. It contains stories of monsters, space pirates, Sasquatches, demons, high school teenagers, and...

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Mr. Taffle's Pants of Insanity

By Daniel Eric Finkel

Mr. Taffle’s Pants of Insanity by Daniel Eric Finkel tells the story of a man oppressed by a life he repeatedly describes as a brutal pain machine with rechargeable batteries. It sure seems like that. Mr. Taffle is bad at his job, has a complicated...

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META Game On

A cyber-fantasy whodunnit in a hilariously realised future. Labeled 'The Hitchhikers Guide' for the Warcraft generation.
By Xander Black

META Game On by Xander Black follows Cyrus and Everett through their adventures in an immersive online game set in “Brith”. Everett has just lost his job at Arctik Studios, and the gamers decide to utilize Everett’s insider knowledge to retrieve the Tome of Leto....

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The Blood Witch Saga Book 2
By Natalie J Case

Determined to reunite her family, Alana travels through a portal with her eldest daughter Thana into the world of Vaneesh, where her other daughter Daria lived with her husband and son. However, all they find in the once vibrant cities of Vaneesh are ruins. The...

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Rise of the Novas Book 1
By Reginald Andre-Estime, Vanna McAuliffe

The next step in the evolution of mankind has resulted in a group called EVOs. After being deserted by their creator, Mother, the EVOs decide to get her attention by committing mass murder. After all, this is what they were trained for. Enter a detective...

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By Tilmer L Wright Jr

Motes by Tilmer L Wright Jr. is a remarkable science fiction novel that combines science, technology, and faith. One late afternoon, while the sun was streaming in through his bedroom window, Thom Finch sees particles of dust floating around in the sunbeam and lets his...

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A Collection
By Brian Burt

A New Orleans policeman hell-bent on revenge, a time-traveling physics professor on a rescue mission, an American family trying to escape the wrath of a native American nature deity. As random as these events sound, they share one thing in common. They are parts of...

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Mr. Nachron's List

A Blend of Romance, History and Science Fiction
By Mike Corbett

In Mr. Nachron's List by Mike Corbett, we learn about Ron, who is your typical everyday guy. He enjoys the fleeting pleasures life has to offer and does everything in his power to forget the pain that he feels from having lost contact with the...

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By Avinash Naduvath

How far is too far? How many casualties are the extreme in justifying discovering the truth? Avinash Naduvath challenges the reader with this question in his book Mindbender. Pogo, Joshua, and Sarah are thrown into a lucid dream called Project Mindbender. These three individuals are...

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MENAP 2089

By Panther Optikonz

Menap 2089 by Panther Optikonz is written extremely far into the future when the whole world has been ravaged by war and the landmasses as we know them have changed. The main characters are the Rozz (Police) and the Prestoopnik (Criminals) that are at war...

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