Everyone Is Addicted

By Yosef Kutner

People suffer from addiction issues all over the world and it's a tough road back to recovery. Yosef Kutner struggled with alcoholism for decades before he found the strength to refrain from using alcohol to deal with life. In Everyone Is Addicted, Kutner presents a...

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Enslaved Uteruses

Government Debauchery & Your Civic Duty to Stop It
By Brenda Hudgens Fritz

Enslaved Uteruses: Government Debauchery & Your Civic Duty to Stop It is a work of non-fiction in the government, politics, and sociocultural issues genres. Penned by author Brenda Hudgens Fritz, this essential work examines the control exerted by governmental and medical institutions over women's reproductive...

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Entwined Hearts

The Sunset of Alzheimer’s Disease and More of Life’s Realities
By JJ Janice

Entwined Hearts: The Sunset of Alzheimer’s Disease and More of Life’s Reality by JJ Janice is a heartwarming and thought-provoking memoir. Janice was looking for books to motivate an ESL class when a friend suggested a book by a particular author named Anita. On the...

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Stories from the Other Side of a Cancer Diagnosis, Loss, and a Pandemic
By Nancy Stordahl

Emerging: Stories from the Other Side of a Cancer Diagnosis, Loss, and a Pandemic by Nancy Stordahl is a fantastic self-help book based on Nancy’s experiences with cancer, loss, and COVID-19. Nancy covers important topics such as reconstruction, guilt, trauma, regret, loss, and various other...

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Emerging From the Dark: Stroke...The Untold Stories

By Terence Ang

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises. Anything can happen at any time. Emerging From the Dark by Terence Ang shares his story and that of other stroke survivors. Their stories acknowledge that the journey is not easy, but it's possible, and they have overcome...

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Eat Sleep Breathe Oral Health

Why Your Mouth Matters
By Yasmin Chebbi

Eat Sleep Breathe Oral Health: Why Your Mouth Matters by Yasmin Chebbi is a non-fiction medical self-help book that the author has written with the intention of educating readers who might not know or have even ever considered that how we manage our mouths has...

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Everything Is a F*cking Story

Recognize & Rewrite the Stories that Steer Your Life
By Martin Grunburg, Rick Sessinghaus

Everything is a F*cking Story: Recognize & Rewrite the Stories that Steer Your Life by Martin Grunburg is the long-awaited prequel to his previous works, The Habit Factor and The Pressure Paradox. This book completes the Personal Mastery Trilogy that the author didn’t originally intend,...

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Embrace Grace

New Medicine for a Wounded World
By Arlene Santos McCain, MD

Some experiences are worth retelling, especially if they are significant and profound, like those that Arlene Santos McCain MD recounts in her book Embrace Grace: New Medicine for a Wounded World. In this book, the author narrates her life story, the founding and development of...

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Easy Peasy Crops in Pots

A Comprehensive Guide to Container Gardening for the Modern City Dweller, the Practical Solution to Growing Your Own Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs in Tiny Urban Spaces
By Landan B.

Did you know gardening is good for your health? Both physical and mental health. Did you know that you can garden just about anywhere? Even indoors or on a tiny apartment balcony. Potted gardens are becoming the growing craze and pots are not just for...

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Eat to Prevent and Control Disease

How Superfoods Can Help You Live Disease Free
By La Fonceur

Eat to Prevent and Control Disease: How Superfoods Can Help You Live Disease Free by La Fonceur gives good information about food that will help boost immunity, superfoods that will help prevent diseases, foods that reduce inflammation in the body, and food combinations that give...

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