Desert Song

Claiming Joy while Walking the Wilderness
By Brittnie Blackburn

Desert Song: Claiming Joy while Walking the Wilderness is Brittnie Blackburn’s memoir of her struggle through anorexia, infertility, parenting a special-needs child, and birthing a stillborn child. Despite life and death events that threaten to drown her joy, she has learned to walk through the...

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All Man All Amazing

How Jesus is the greatest man to ever live and how we can live like him.
By Christian Ballenger

Do you know Christ, or do you know about Him? Too many know Christ on a causal level but do not really get to know Him intimately. Christian Ballenger wants his readers to get close and personal with Jesus. All Man All Amazing is Christian...

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The Valley Spirit

Living a Tao-inspired Life
By Stephen Altschuler

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Maybe you feel like you need to let go, but you don't know how? Learn how to stress less and live a life of fulfillment and joy in the spiritual book, The Valley Spirit: Living a Tao-inspired Life...

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Finding Your Part in God's Master Story

An Exploration of Christian Worldviews
By Janet Ruth

Janet Ruth reminds her readers that belief matters. In Finding Your Part in God’s Master Story, Janet tells us that our actions result from our thoughts driven by our beliefs. Therefore, what we believe matters. This book looks at the plan of God as a...

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What, Why, & How?

Bottom-up Answers
By Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler states that the purpose of his book, What, Why, & How, is to encourage thinking outside the box and to seek the answers to life’s more profound questions. Robert is a life-long learner. He has spent his life questioning and seeking answers to...

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Poems from the Summit of the Pit

By JR Kinney

A follow-up to Poems from the Bottom of the Rock, Poems from the Summit of the Pit is yet another enthralling collection of poems by J.R. Kinney. Like the previous edition, this book contains a set of thought-provoking and introspective poems where the author delves...

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The Full Extent

An Inquiry Into Reality and Destiny
By Richard Botelho

“Mind is not a product of the physical, rather the physical is a product of the Mind.” An assertion representing a rather large paradigm shift in itself, this conclusion reached by Richard Botelho in his brilliant treatise, The Full Extent – An Inquiry into Reality...

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We Are All Columbine

By Thomas P Tweten and Ann A Graham

There are various ways of looking at a tragedy. What happened at Columbine High School on April 20th, 1999, when two boys killed a teacher and twelve students, was a horrific massacre. Yet, even in the worst moments, there can be hope. In We Are...

Guided Ignatian Contemplation

Meditations on the Gospels to Come Closer to the Heart of Jesus
By Lawrence Keller

I was curious to see how meditation was blended into Lawrence Keller’s book, Guided Ignatian Contemplation: Meditations on the Gospels to Come Closer to the Heart of Jesus. I have tried on more than one occasion to read the Bible and believed that meditation and...

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The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception

Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births
By Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso

To this day, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception has either been accepted with blind faith or dismissed as nonsense. However, zealous scholars show us there is a third option. In The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso explores the figure of Mary,...

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