Gildemer (The Gate Series 1) by AS Oren is a young adult fantasy story and the first in a series. On planet Gildemer, which has a white and a purple moon, the humakats (and others who are part human, part animal) live in a strict...
Gildemer (The Gate Series 1) by AS Oren is a young adult fantasy story and the first in a series. On planet Gildemer, which has a white and a purple moon, the humakats (and others who are part human, part animal) live in a strict...
Set in a future where computers are literally connected to the human body, The Light Bringer's Kingdom by Anne Carly Abad is a quest filled with surprising twists. This terrific adventure centers on two sisters, Path and Sierra, and Eli, a young man they meet...
Journey To Her Dreams has a fascinating concept. A woman (Hollie) is having troubling dreams. Dreams that are recurring, yet different every time. Same players, same scenario, but different. These dreams leave her in physical pain, and sometimes afraid to sleep. They affect her personally,...
Elizabeth Jayanti Ph.D. believes that businesses today are still being conducted on premises that have long become irrelevant. In The Galileo Moment, she argues that all new research is based on old models that are no longer true or effective, and therefore are of no...
Sensual, emotionally charged, and well-sizzled up, Stockholm Diaries, Melanie by Rebecca Hunter is a spellbinding novel that features two compelling characters whose hearts are locked together by a spell. Biographer Melanie’s father left her when she was just four years old, an incident that has...
James Mulhern’s supernatural story, Molly Bonamici, revolves around Molly, a high school senior. Molly is in for a big surprise when she follows her grandmother to visit a faith healer in a less than stellar neighborhood in Boston. Lady Jane, the faith healer, tells Molly...
Listen to Your Heart: Using Mindfulness to Make Choices That Are Right for You is a non-fiction self-help book written by Philippe Isler. The author is a licensed counseling psychologist with an established private practice. He opens his book with a thought-provoking discussion on decisions...
Mastering Airbnb: The Expert Guide To Maximizing Your Travel by Tony Santos is a guide for users of Airbnb who would like to get more for their money. Most people only do a simple search and go for one of the results on page one....
In Masters of Life on Meaningful Living: Conversations Between Tom, Guru Dick and Guru Harry, Tommy S. W. Wong shares two conversations about life. Tom’s conversation with Guru Dick is all about money and power. Guru Dick believes life is about accumulating all the material...
The Right Of Way: A Millennial's Journey To Pay Off Her Loans is a new adult/young adult contemporary fiction novel written by L.B. Lewis. Sierra Wellington had done all the right things that a child of a conservative upper middle class family could be expected...
A Legacy of One is a political fiction novel written by Kevin G. Chapman. The twentieth anniversary of Columbia’s class of ‘93 was attended by a number of illustrious alumnae, but none, Jonathan Prescott III figured, had reached quite the prominence he had. It was...
Hearing Voices: An Isaac Blaze Thriller by Axel Cruise is the story of a man named Isaac Blaze. Some might call him crazy, some might call him a sociopath, but to himself, he is just Isaac Blaze. He has two voices in his head; one...
There could be only thing more impressive than reading Punch Happy by Lux Alani. That would be having the opportunity to meet her in person and/or to hear her talk at one of her speaking engagements. What an inspiring woman and author! In her intro,...
From Antarctica to Zimbabwe is a non-fiction travel memoir written by Dr. Quinta. Quinta’s life had followed the professional career track expected by a child of Nigerian educators. She successfully pursued a doctorate in chemical engineering and was offered a career position in the petrochemical...
The Game of VORs by Andrew Orange follows the youngest son of a dangerous and influential count as he loses everything and is thrown onto an entirely new course for his life. Kier Vorsmith's home relies on him completing his final exams and getting into...
Lady Justice and the Geriatric Gumshoes is the latest in a long line of hits by popular author Robert Thornhill. In this episode, our hero Walt Williams inadvertently becomes the inspiration for an unlikely trio of fellow senior citizen crime-fighters, and finds himself spending as...
The Dragon Lady by Angelique S. Anderson is book one of The Dracosinum Tales. In 19th century London, Wylie Petford loves her job working in Lord Adrian's stables and her downtrodden home of Lugwallow. After her father dies due to a long illness, she finds...
When your favourite secret playground has been vandalised with a sign that reads "Archaeological Site #238, do not disturb, official archaeological research," what's a boy to do? He goes in, of course. After all, Jim had already survived a strange encounter with a being not...
Mona Lisa's Ghost: Lucy Nightingale, Book 2 is a science fiction and fantasy novel for children and preteens written by Nancy Kunhardt Lodge. Who stole the Mona Lisa from its secure location in the Louvre, leaving no traces of the theft? Lucy Nightingale and her...
The Day My Fart Followed Me to the Zoo is the sixth book in the Timmy and the Little Fart series written by Ben Jackson and Sam Lawrence, and illustrated by Danko Herrera. Excited to be venturing out to spend a day at the zoo,...